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The Further Magazine: "Trippy ‘Bring It On’ unveils a unique artistic recipe, never-heard-before!"

Yesterday, I was visiting the Hamburger Kunsthalle with a good friend of mine, mentally diving deep into the paintings from masters of past times.

I constantly try to ask myself „what makes me move while looking at this?“ or „How did this artwork influenced the current status quo back then?“. Especially the first question is one I ask myself while creating music, others might be „Is this record unique?“ and „What is my sound?“

Later that day, another amazing magazine named The Further published its article about my new single and I was SO mesmerized to read that they value my artistic approach as unique, as something which brings something new to the table.

This is the biggest compliment one can make regarding my art! 🙏🏽

Both articles published this week regarding Bring It On made my days & week and I’m thankful for all of you, supporting and listening to my records and make this journey with me together ☺️

Thanks ever so much for this amazing article.

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